How To Produce 300+ Pieces Of Marketing Content Per Month In 2 HoursFulfill

30X More Clients… And Work 98% Less

Than You’re Working Right Now!

This is the most powerful AI Mastermind for any Agency owner arming you with ultra-advanced copy prompts that produce “100% human-like tonality” across Emails, Posts, Tweets, VSLs, Sales Letters, Captions, Blogs & MORE…

Dear agency owner,

If you read everything on this page, you will be able to handle 30x MORE clients (completely stress-free), you will work WAY less than you’re working now…

And not only will you BOOST your agency revenue… but you’ll be able to enjoy that money, because you’ll have excess free time to spend with your family and loved ones.

I invested $1.2M of my own money to create the world’s most ADVANCED AI Copywriting software… you will not find this level of product anywhere else. Please read below.

Within 1-2 hours you can produce:

  • 56 “hard-hitting” Facebook Posts…

  • 48 “viral-quality” Tweets…

  • 56 “powerful” IG captions

  • 20 educational LinkedIn Posts

  • 28 “wildfire” YouTube & VSL scripts

  • 28 “high-converting” Blogs

  • AND 84 “attention grabbing” TikTok scripts

I’m talking about “100% human-like” copy tonality that grabs & converts cold audiences into warm leads…

I’m talking about Elite Level Copywriting mastery “done-for-you” by AI… that not only writes in your own voice…

… But writes in a way that EXCITES readers, makes them GLUED to your script, and converts them into customers..

It mimicks & models “top-converting” direct response copywriters that have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue… and it BLENDS their copy style with YOUR brand voice…

Now imagine doing this at mega-scale —> 300+ pieces of content per month!

Imagine doing this across Emails, VSLs, Posts, Captions, Tweets, Videos, and Blogs…

Imagine you have “Omni-channel” marketing presence all over the internet…. by working 98% LESS than you’re working right now…

Better quality copy consistently

MORE content consistently

98% LESS working hours


… I will not only give you all the prompts, all the inputs, for any niche imaginable, and for ANY modality and marketing platform you can think of…


I’ll also give you FULL ACCESS to my own product (that I spent 1.2M to create) that will produce a month’s worth of content in 1 hour… in 100% human tonality to suit your brand voice.


I’ll also give you something that DOESN’T currently exist in the AI world of marketing…

I’ll give you access to a technology I created called SUPER FETCH™.

SuperFetch™ is a technology that “auto-creates prompts based on your niche & platform”… so you can have an unlimited supply of MULTIPLE forms of copy for multiple niches & platforms like Emails, VSLs, Blogs, Ads, Sales Letters etc… forever!

So what that means is, you will NOT have to spend your precious time “creating prompts” yourself!

I will enable you to reap the benefits of what AI was TRULY meant to do for all of us — cut your time spent on labor by 98%.

When you join my mastermind, your life as a modern-day Agency owner will be transformed forever.

But first, I want you to understand something…

Here’s the problem with most AI copywriting masterminds & workshops…

You see, there are a lot of AI workshops & masterminds popping up that charge over $20k-$25k…

And they teach you how to engineer prompts… and they show you how to coach your team to produce copy for clients.

That’s fine.

But the problem is, you still have to spend several hundred hours “writing & engineering” those prompts, and coaching your team…

Therefore, you still don’t have that ONE thing you wanted, that motivated you to join those workshops — TIME FREEDOM.

The reason for that is, most of these “Gurus” that teach “AI copy prompt engineering”, have only mastered one or two styles of marketing content, in ONLY 1-2 niches, that’s it.

And based on that they create trainings, where you are expected to write your own prompts & inputs for your own Agency clients…

And that sounds fair (at least to you…) because before AI all this was written manually, right?

But let me ask you this, when you pay $20k+ for an AI Mastermind, what are you really paying for?

You would think, you’re paying this much money, so you can work way less and have AI do everything for you, correct?

But that doesn’t happen…


  • They only teach you the “theory” of prompt engineering…

  • You still have to write your own prompts for yourself & your clients - that takes several hundred hours…

  • The templates they give you ONLY work for 1-2 niches…

  • You still have to write your own templates, your own inputs, and you still have to coach your team (that’s gonna cost you MORE time & effort than you originally thought)…

  • Even though in theory it seems like you’ve learned a lot, you STILL don’t have time freedom…

  • In fact, you’re now working 3 times longer because the templates they provided you don’t work for your clients or your niche… so you have to re-engineer everything yourself…

  • What you hoped will give you excess free time, now ends up taking 7-8 months of labor to create!

    And the reason for that is this…

A single GOOD PROMPT takes 700-900 words to write…

… And there is NO mastermind, NO course, NO software… that is going to give you 700-900 word prompts for MULTIPLE “high-converting” platforms such as:

  • Emails...

  • Ads…

  • VSLs…

  • Sales Letters…

  • Social captions…

  • Tweets & Threads…

  • Blogs…

  • and every other piece of marketing copy you can think of!

There is NOBODY that will give you “UNLIMITED” Prompts, for ALL niches, for ALL platforms I mentioned above…

And more importantly, NOBODY will give you outputs that sound 100% human…

UNDERSTAND THIS - If you want to produce AI copy in YOUR brand voice that sounds like 100% human-like tonality…

  • EACH Prompt will take at least 700-900 words to engineer properly…

  • EACH Prompt will take at least 7-10 hours to create (for 100% human sounding tone)…

  • EACH niche is different, needs a different structure, so you have to spend THAT much time for EACH niche…

This is all TOO time consuming… and VERY labor intensive!

Prompt engineering (to produce 100% human-like copy) is NOT as easy as the “Gurus” want you to believe…

That’s why MOST of your AI copy doesn’t sound right…

That’s why your AI copy doesn’t convert very well…

… And you give up because it’s more work than you originally thought.



This mastermind is unique (and nothing else like this exists).

This mastermind is based around my Bemodo AI software technology that I spent $1.2M of my own money to build…

… to help agency owners like you produce 300+ pieces of original content in 1-2 hours...

And not just any content…

… But content that converts cold readers into warm leads…Because it’s written in the style of “top-converting” direct response copywriters that have produced hundreds of millions of dollars in sales…

So you can fulfill 30x more clients, work 98% LESS, and create MORE free time in your life so you can actually enjoy your business (and your personal life)…

It’s very different from any course or mastermind or workshop you’ve experienced in the past…

First let’s get the basics out of the way:

  • Of course I’ll give you dozens of prompts…

  • Dozens of templates…

  • Dozens of inputs…

… that will work in several dozen niches to produce:

  • 56 “hard-hitting” Facebook Posts …

  • 48 “viral-quality” Tweets

  • 56 “powerful” IG captions…

  • 20 educational LinkedIn Posts…

  • 28 “wildfire” YouTube & VSL scripts…

  • 28 “high-converting” Blogs...

  • AND 84 “attention grabbing” TikTok scripts…

These posts ALONE will exponentially increase your lead flow, build so much trust for your brand, and help you become a top-tier authority…


You’ll get access to my software with a suite of advanced tools that are not available to the public. With this you won’t even have to worry about the prompts or inputs…

You’ll just input a few sentences and all your copy will get made for within a couple of hours.

My focus is to get you IMMEDIATE RESULTS…

So from Day 1 you’ll be producing top-tier copy in abundant volume, using the conversion skills of top-tier copywriters — done-for-you by AI.

This is where you will find REAL VALUE:

  • You will NOT have to spend months to write your own prompts…

  • You can start producing this content AS SOON AS you join… so you will have immediate results…

  • You will get human-like “high-converting” copy INSTANTLY (as you input the first few prompts)…

  • You will start producing MORE high quality work in 98% LESS time than before…

  • You will IMMEDIATELY see yourself having MORE free time…

  • You will INSTANTLY find that you have a LOT more bandwidth to focus on tasks you enjoy

  • Your work-stress levels will significantly DROP and your productivity will increase ten-fold…

  • You’ll find your mind becoming more & more at peace as your client fulfillment is automated at the HIGHEST level of quality imaginable


  • You will be one of the FIRST in the entire world to be using AI at the highest level… so that will give you “first-mover advantage”…

“First mover advantage is important because, by the time everyone else catches up, you will be far, far ahead of everyone else…”


Step 1:

Advanced Software Access (Instant Copy Results)

On Day 1 you’ll get access to the advanced Bemodo AI software and the suite of tools & resources available only to mastermind members…

I will train you on how to use the software & the tools, so you can produce 300+ pieces of content at lightning fast speed…

At this stage you don’t even have to worry about writing prompts, making inputs, or anything time-consuming…

This step is designed to get you IMMEDIATE RESULTS.

That means from Day 1 you’ll be producing the kind of volume of copy it takes other agencies one month or more to produce…

THIS is where you will start spending 98% LESS time on creating content than everyone else.

Step 2:

Insight Into Bemodo AIs Prompt Engineering (So you can create your own prompts too)

After you experience your high-quality copy results at blazing fast speed…

… and you see HOW much volume my advanced software can produce for your agency in a matter of just 1-2 hours…

… You’ll be curious to know what’s happening “under the hood”…So in this step, I’ll walk you through HOW we have engineered 900-100 word prompts for MULTIPLE niches, MULTIPLE offers, MULTIPLE formats such as Emails, VSLs, Sales Letters, Ad Copies, Blogs, Social Media Posts & more…

I’ll walk you through the copy science behind prompt engineering and teach you how to create your own prompts and inputs, if you ever want to make your own templates.

While I guarantee that you’ll never need to waste your time making your own prompts, I understand that you may just like to still learn the science…

Step 3:

Organizing Your Bulk Content

Since my software has the ability to produce a significant amount of (high-quality) content in a very short time, it may get overwhelming for you on how to organize all of it…

I’ll give you my advanced practices on how to organize all your content very seamlessly, so publishing it becomes EASY (and not daunting!)…

It doesn’t matter whether you’re managing 10 clients, 30 clients or a hundred 100+ clients…

You’ll very quickly learn HOW to effortlessly put ALL of the content Bemodo gives you, into organized folders… so your publishing team can easily schedule all the content without any mistakes or difficulties…

This is going to give your publishing schedule a MASSIVE BOOST!

You’re going to be stress-free, working way less… and your clients are going to be exceptionally happy with your output!

Step 4:

SuperFetch™ Auto-Prompt Creation

Bemodo is so intelligent that it not only understands, learns & improves your Avatar, your niche, your messaging & copy…BUT with my ultra-advanced SuperFetch™ technology, it now learns your prompts too…

… And based on your existing prompts, it “auto-creates” NEW prompts based on ANY niche, ANY offer, and ANY platform you want to create content for…

This is AI Prompt Engineering on steroids!

Where you not only don’t need to worry about writing your own prompts…

But you can rest assured that your prompts will stay up to-date with the trends of your market, your niche, your offer and your platforms.

And all of this will be available to you in unlimited supply!

Enter A World Of True AI Based Content Creation Where you ACTUALLY Save Your Time…

Like I said… NOTHING like this exists out there.

And by joining today you’ll literally be one of the first in the world to have THIS level of access to AI’s updated capabilities as we speak…

You’ll be one of the ONLY agencies in the world that can produce high-quality, high-converting copy… to the tune of 300+ pieces of content within 1-2 hours…

You’ll have the first mover advantage…

So much so that by the time other agencies catch up, you’ll be so far ahead of everyone else, that they could never compete with you…

You’ll have created a position for yourself in this industry that clients won’t even think about leaving you…

Because nobody else will be able to do what you do.


  • If you truly want to fulfill 30X more clients (and keep them all happy & retained)…

  • If you truly want to spend 98% LESS time creating content…

  • If you want to offload ALL your content creation stress (yet produce MORE content than ever before)…

  • So you can not only make more money, but ENJOY that money, because you’re not stressed out anymore… and you can actually be PRESENT with your family & loved ones (while you know your business is growing bigger & faster than ever before)…

Then Get Access to my Mastermind today.

Click the button below, answer a few questions on the pages to follow… and I’ll meet you very soon

Jeffery Boyle

CEO, Bemodo AI

Copyright 2024 Bemodo AI

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